5 Ways to Geek Up Your New Year’s Eve Party

Since today is the last day of 2012., everybody’s in a rush to get prepared for the New Year’s eve. Some are staying home with their families, while others are going to parties with their friends. If you are the one who is throwing a party, we have prepared some tips and tricks on how to throw the most epic, New Year’s eve party – geek style.
Costume Party
It goes without saying that geekiest parties are the ones where you have Batman, Superman and every other cosplay character. Costume parties are the best kind of parties, especially the ones which are organised in the last minute. People come up with the great ideas when they are in a hurry hence their creativity goes up. Call your friends up and tell them to “costume suit up”. You should also have a contest for the best costume and prepare a small award. Special .Me Gift cards could be just the thing!
Foods and Drinks
When it comes to this category, you’ll probably have alcohol but it’s never too bad to buy some fizzy drinks and pizza. It will contribute to the overall geek effect since it’s their food and drink of choice. Depending on how big the party is, you may have to buy some frozen pizza because your favorite pizza guy might not work on New Year’s eve. You should definitely check on that. Besides drinks and pizza, you should make some geek cookies. Get your friends to help you with that. Our choice is Tetris cookies. Yummy!
Role Play Games
One of the geekiest things you could do at a party is to play a fantasy role play game. Dust off your old D&D set and put it in front of your friends (after a few drinks is probably the best :D). Do not worry if they do not know the rules, try to enjoy the game and have some fun. Throw the dices and plan an attack! You can also bring out your cards and play them as well. Some might think it’s a game of poker (trust me, it happens) but after you explain them how the game goes, they get it pretty quickly. You might not be able to drag them away from the game, but hey- at least they’re an amazing time.
Retro Games
You cannot call yourself a true geek if you’re not into retro video games. New Year’s eve is the perfect time to get out your old Atari or Nintendo and pop in Space Invaders or Pong. Gather around your friends and divide them into teams. Make sure they take turns so others can play as well :D. Each of these games are relatively short, therefore people won’t be stuck all the night stuck doing just this. You can also organize a small competition where the winner could get a price. Like we said, .Me Gift cards could be the perfect award!
Rock Band Party
A party without the music is not a party. You can either play the tunes using your stereo, but you probably think that having a band is a better idea. And you’re right. If you are one of those who is not friend with the band, you can easily set up your own in a matter of seconds, with the help of games such as Guitar Hero or Rock Band. These popular games have been life of the party for a few years now, and from a personal experience I can tell you that as soon as you pop the DVD into your console of choice, the whole house starts to sing and dance. There are a lot of songs you can choose from, but ’80s and ’90s rock is the way to go. Everybody’s familiar with the lyrics thus fun is guaranteed!
Now that you’ve read this quick guide on how to make your New Year’s eve party more geek, all you have to to is give a give a call to your friends and loved ones and organize a best party out there! Domain .Me team wishes you all the best in 2013. and a happy New Year!