Need a Reason to Drink Coffee? How About Ten of Them?

It doesn’t matter what kind of writer you are: blogger, poet, news reporter, or casual scribbler- there is one thing we all have in common. We like to have a certain liquid of choice while we write. Beer, scotch, green tea, chamomile tea, water and so on. But the most beloved writer’s companion is usually coffee. So, if you like to read and drink at the same time, now is the time to go and make yourself a cup, because we’re going to talk about benefits of coffee and about
In short, is an online shop with just about anything related to coffee, from coffee (the substance!), coffee machines, books about coffee, cups of all shapes, sizes and materials, coffee tables and stickers, badges and… erm… controversial thing like coffee enema. So you see, it really has everything related to coffee in store. Now that you know where you can get your coffe, let’s get to our point- why coffee is drink sent from gods.
Pro Oxygen! But Antioxidant!
Unfortunately for green tea drinkers and chocolate eaters, studies show that these two antioxidant superstars are distant second and third compared to coffee. Not only that it has more antioxidants, they are also absorbed more easily. They then fight off the inflammation and free radicals that are the main reasons why we develop chronic conditions and get damage on cellular level.
Alzheimer Who?
Besides boosting short-term memory, coffee can prevent cognitive decline with many types of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. European Journal of Neurology says that if you drink between three to five cups a day in your midlife, there is 65% less chance that you will develop any of these. If you have that type of diseases in your family, it can help you in reducing your risk of getting it, or significantly delay its onset.
Sweet Diabetes Go Away!
You drink four cups a day? Your risk of getting a Type 2 diabetes is lowered by 50%. Researchers at UCLA discovered the relation between coffee and protein SHBG that has a big role in developing this disease. The more you drink, the risk gets lower and lower, about 7% for each additional coffee cup.
Steady Mr. Parkins
To get back to the neurodegenerative area, PloS Genetics reported a connection between coffee and the gene GRIN2A. To summarize, patients who have already developed Parkinson’s have better control over their movements if they consume coffee daily. However, just like with Alzheimer’s, it will only lower your risk of getting it up to 60%, and help to delay its offset.
Protect Your Liver
Liver is the protector of our body, but coffee is liver’s protector. It will protect it against liver cirrhosis, especially one connected with alcohol, and just one cup a day lowers that chance for 20%. It will also lower the level of enzymes that are associated with inflammation and damage to the liver.
Help Battle Cancer?
When it comes to cancer, coffee is multifunctional in many ways, for both sexes. Coffee consumption decreases risks of basal cell carcinoma and inhibits formation of UVB induced tumors, which battle many baddies among whom are: breast, prostate, liver, colon and rectal cancers and melanoma. All this thanks to the polyphenols, antioxidant phytochemicals.
Beauty Is Coffee Deep
Yes, coffee helps in acne prevention and general skin health. Besides working from the inside out, it can be applied on your skin in a form of creams or scrubs. Slightly acidic pH constrict pores and previously mentioned antioxidant properties help you to get a younger looking and healthier skin. Recent studies also show that topical application is great for fixing UV damage done by the sun.
Drink The Blues Away
Of course, with coffee, not with alcohol. Depression is a very serious modern problem and coffee is one of the best helpers in battling acute and chronic depression. Caffeine in combination with antioxidants works like a mild antidepressant that aids in the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. Those who drink four or more cups a day are 20% likely to be depressed and 50% less likely to commit suicide. Happy thoughts!
Boosting Your Smarts
We all know that coffee is great helper when it comes to long working nights. Coffee will not only keep you awake, it will make you sharper too, in a short-term capacity. It will block effects of adenosine, inhibitory neurotransmitter, and help you to improve reaction time, attention, logical reasoning, vigilance, and all of there are associated with intelligence. So you will not only work faster, you will work smarter. High octane fuel for humans!
Caffeinated Exercise
Although we’ve been said that coffee is dehydrating because of its diuretic properties, recent studies suggest that moderate consumption, meaning up to 5 cups a day, does not interfere exercisers enough to interfere with workout. In addition, it helps to fight away fatigue, strengthens muscle contraction, reduces perception of pain and increases fatty acids in the blood that muscles absorb and burn for fuel.
Are you done with your coffee? Good, now click on, shop away for your coffee goodies and make yourself another happy. Because coffee is a divine-smelling happiness and health mine.