Sending Beer Across The Nations

Every now and then, you may find yourself ina situation when you just don’t have money for beer ( especially if you are a student). Your cash mysteriously evaporated from your wallet and you lost a bet, want to celebrate a great success or it’s somebody’s birthday- the point is, you really need to buy a beer. That’s where Superchiuk… erm, pardon me, comes to the rescue!
Give Me A Beer!
The project Give a Beer was started in 2008 by a Romanian developer Costin Moise. By the end of 2012, the old domain had expired, but 4 years late the website was resurrected under the spanking new . ME domain. Basically, is a platform where you can make a donation profile, and share it with people so they can give you beer via PayPal- or so that you can send someone a beer in return.
Beer is the world’s most widely consumed alcoholic beverage, and is the third-most popular drink overall, after water and tea. It is also believed to be the oldest fermented beverage. Some of humanity’s earliest known writings refer to the production and distribution of beer, but at some point the distibution process modernize that processto keep up with the digital age. Socializing with beer for social network generation.
How It Works
Since doesn’t have it’s own paying method, they cleverly used one of the most popular and widespread systems: PayPal. So if you don’t have a PayPal account, you should probably do that first. After that, registration is easy. Just select and enter your username, a PayPal-associated email adress and click Go! You will instantly have your account that you can share with friends to ask for beer/beer money.
You You and your beer buddies can buy and give eachother three types/sizes of beer. A pint of beert will cost you $3, six-pack will be $10 and $30 will buy you a keg. The donated beer money will go directly to your PayPal account. If by any chance you want to buy more beer, don’t worry, there is no limit to how much you can buy- except the limit to the generosity of your friends.
Pint/Six-Pack/Keg, You Name It
Great thing about it is that you are not location bound. This way you and your friends can buy each other a beer across the globe. Although this site is called ”give a beer”, who says that you are only limited to beer? Perhaps you are not able to attend a bachelor/bachelorette party, but you want to take a part in it. This way you can buy everyone a round of drinks, and earn some serious bwornie points.
So what are you waiting for? Go to, and buy your (long lost) friend a beer. Because sometimes, there is no better way to reconnect then with a cold, dewy mug of beer. Cheers!