The Grand Prize Winners of the .ME Loyalty Program to be Announced Soon

The Grand Prize Winners
The time has ALMOST come to announce the winners of the .ME Loyalty Program Grand Prize! As you may remember from the previous posts, the Grand Prize includes an entry badge for “the tech conference in Austin that shall not be named” as well as accommodation and a $500 AMEX gift card for travel.
The selection of winners is subject to a random drawing and as of now, we are proud to reveal that the notifications have been already sent to two of the luckiest .ME fans. As soon as we get their confirmation, they will become the official winners and you will know whom to congratulate on being born under the lucky star.
The Show Must Go On
Yep! It is not over yet. Although the trip to Austin might be gone, there are still a lot of prizes to be won. Join the .ME Loyalty Program, invite your friends to check it out or simply keep on sharing your thoughts on the most personal domain extension and we will keep showering you with t-shirts, mugs, gift cards and free software. It is as simple as that!
The Program closes on March 31, so there is more than one month of fun left before we officially end it. Enjoy!