Unroll.Me Has Over 100K Users Managing Junk Mail and Newsletters

Do you remember Unroll.Me? It is a service which will clean up your email inbox from hundreds of newsletters you’re currently subscribed to. If you have not noticed it yet (even though we wrote about Unroll.Me already), now is the time to do so.
Success in the Numbers!
Unroll.Me has over 100,000 subscribers and more than 106 million emails have been diverted from those users’ inboxes!
Furthermore, over 225 million emails have been summarized in Unroll.me’s digest emails. TechCrunch reported that CEO and co-founder Josh Rosenwald said the company has not been paying for ads and other marketing, so all that growth has been word-of-mouth. TechCrunch continues:
In fact, he said the Unroll.me team has focused almost entirely on the technology, rather than growth, until now — though that will start changing “now that we’re kind of hitting a groove.”
History of Unroll.Me Success
Unroll.Me will scan your inbox and find all the newsletters you’re subscribed to. You’ll be able to unsubscribe from them in a beautiful interface, and leave the ones you really want to read. Now, you’ve got 2 choices: you can leave the remaining subscriptions as they are, or – you can add them to a list called Rollup.
The website was redesigned in April and it made a big difference since the last time we covered it. TC pointed out that:
As you’d expect there are plenty of cosmetic differences — the site is swathed in greys and greens, and is now much easier to fire up and navigate in a mobile web browser. Unroll.me can also now differentiate between emails from companies and notifications from your social networks of choice, and will display the latter without all of the extra visual cruft.
After one year in beta (from June 2012 to June 2013), the service is now public. If you are annoyed by the amount of newsletters you click through every day, give it a try. It will collect your graymail into a single, daily email, with short previews of each email. That way you only open the messages that you’re interested in.
If Unroll.Me is not working the way you want it to, give it some time and teach it. You can change the way it handles every single email, so set it up to your liking and – enjoy!
Right now, they only support Gmail, Google Apps, and Yahoo. They currently working on supporting AOL and other email clients, so if you are interested in the service but can not sign up yet, follow them on Twitter or like them on Facebook to stay in touch and find out when your email client will be supported!