Use photos of your favourite locations to find a way back to them!

What do you do when you find yourself in a new city? You probably act the same way all tourists do: you walk around and snap a lot of pictures. When you are in your own country getting around and coming back to that cute little caffe down the corner is not hard… You can just use Google maps. Alas, that does not work as well for international travelling. Data roaming is extremely expensive and unfortunately one can not rely on free Wi-Fi networks just yet.
So, how would you work your way back to that lovely Italian restaurant you passed a few hours ago? Why not use BackWay for help? BackWay is an iOS app that helps you navigate around and save your favourite places. Saving a place is as easy as snapping a picture – with every picture you save, it remembers where it was taken.
So how do I go back?
Backway will show you in which direction the location of a certain photo is and how far away from you it is. It will not offer you turn-per-turn navigation, but that’s okay because — it will work even offline! When one is driving around, turn per turn navigation is important, but for a pedestrian, it is not nearly as important. You can allow yourself to take a turn here or there and just walk in the general direction of your location.
Another cool feature of Backway is naming and marking of your photos. Personally, I love to snap pictures of things I see and like, but I never note the name of that particular church or bridge. That makes making a travel log (or simply a blog post) a little bit difficult, because I have to research the exact names of the places I have seen.
Backway automatically offers you to name a certain photo and you can enter the name, or street address if you’d like. Maybe you passed by a window where you saw a piece of electronics with a price tag that you can not resist, but you don’t have the time to get it right now because your tour group can’t wait for you? No problem, snap a quick picture and continue walking. Save your picture and aditional information and you can come back to the store later!
If you are interested, you can watch their promo video below and see the app in action. It is not a complicated app with a lot of features, but what it does, it does very well. Once again, the most important thing is the fact that it will work offline. But, since it’s a free app, why not just try it out yourself?
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