Just.Me Launches For Android, New Updates Already Available On iOS

Just.Me, a popular app that let’s you send text, photos, voice and video launched an Android app which is available from the Google Play today! The mobile first global social messaging app is building on the strong success of its iOS launch by offering its Android version 1.0 in 32 languages. Also announced were enhancements to its iOS and HTML5 versions.
Android users: What to expect?
Just.Me Android app is available now on all Android platforms supporting “Ice Cream Sandwich” or above. Same as its iOS counterpart, it also integrates media capture (one or multiple voice, video and images in a single message) with text, and supports private, shared and public messages. Users are able to send messages with Just.Me even if the other party is not using the service. Without the need to import or invite others, anybody with either a phone number or an email adress can receive a message from a Just.Me user. App is designed to run on Android phones, small tablets or full-sized tablets.
iOS: New updates, rolling out today
Apart from the platform launch on Android, Just.Me also launched its version 1.1 for iOS that includes several significant enhancements. Firstly, the app features a completely redesigned welcome screen which now makes registration process almost effortless.
Secondly, Just.Me redesigned its user dashboard for a user’s contacts. By doing so, the service broke the ‘walled garden’ approach of other apps and it now provides a fully featured ‘Contacts’ screen which enables quick and easy communication through the service. Also new is the ability to start telephone calls to contacts with phone numbers directly within the app.
Thirdly, Just.Me is making it easier to move discussions that start in the apps ‘public stream’ to a ‘shared’ message mode between two or more users. This improvement recognizes that serendipitous meetings in the public stream are happening at an increasing rate and that users are passionate to have a way to move a public conversation to a personal one between specific users.
“Since our service launched in April, we have been very closely observing and measuring how our global user base has used Just.Me, and have been astounded at how the app has resonated.” – Keith Teare, Just.Me Founder and CEO.
HTML 5 version also gets updates
Just.Me for HTML5 has also been updated to support the Firefox OS and other rich HTML5 browsers. The major new benefit for users of this service on the web is that the Just.Me web app can now do more than just read messages – it can send replies too! This change in the HTML5 app opens up Just.Me conversations to all its web users as well as those on Firefox OS, Blackberry, Windows Mobile and other devices.