Go To Sleep And Wake Up At The Right Time With Sleepyti.me

Many say that there are 2 types of people: Ones that describe themselves as morning people…also known as “Martians”, and those who press snooze endlessly in the morning… humans. Thankfully, I’m a human. Every morning turns into a battle against my alarm and my bed turns into a vortex.
You may have been told before that 8 hours of sleep is prescribed, and that if you get 7 hours and 59 minutes you’re tired because you went to bed too late. Tisk, tisk! It’s not that simple. Sleepyti.me can help you with setting your bedtime!
Sleepyti.me is a simple online calculator, which will tell you when you should go to bed based on what time you need to get up. You may think going to bed at 11 PM and getting up at 9 AM would leave you refreshed. After all, you’d think 10 hours of sleep would do the trick… but you’re wrong!
Need to get up at 9?
During a night of sleep you usually pass through five stages of sleep split into 5 different parts. You may have heard of the REM cycle (Rapid Eye Movement). The REM step is the final step of the cycle and if woken up during this, you awake during your dreams. Each step progresses from light sleep to REM and then – repeat. Sleepyti.me took the sleep cycle and created a site to do the calculations for you. You don’t have to recall that bizarre dream of you jumping off a building and turning into a butterfly.
So, with this…you’re more than welcome to stay up till 4:30 even though nothing good ever happens after midnight. If only my 9-year-old self would have known about sleep cycles I would have delayed the ever so awful bedtime! Now I can’t seem to get enough sleep. Sleepyti.me uses your sleep cycles and counts them backwards, starting from your wake-up time.
Next time, try using Sleepyti.me to know exactly when you should hit the hay.
Press Snooze, do it…I dare you!
Greys Anatomy is over and nothing new is on Facebook, just go to bed already! Now that you are aware of sleep cycles, you don’t want to over sleep in the morning either. Who knew that was possible?
Sleepyti.me also provides calculations the other way around. Do your roommates a favor by not waking up in the middle of a cycle, and wake up on the right side of the bed. If you wake up at the end of a sleep cycle, you’ll be as fresh as a daisy; that’s why you can wake up at 9 AM even if you went to bed at 4:30 AM.
Are you setting yourself up for disaster by going to bed at an ‘off’ time? Try out Sleepyti.me and wake up ready to conquer the day!
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in November 2011 and has since been given a face-lift and updated for accuracy and relevance.