10 Ways To Celebrate ME Day

Have you already planned how you are going to celebrate your #MEday? Have you made sure to schedule those precious hours in your daily planner?
If you haven’t found the time for it yet, or you are not sure what your ME day should look like, this is what ME day supporters have to say about what ME day means for them. I hope you read their thoughts and be inspired!
1. Marlynn Jayme Schotland, Food + Drink, Family Travel, and DIY/Entertaining Blogger, Urban Bliss Life
My idea of balance is likely very different from yours (I am NOT a spa person, for example), but in the end, it all leads to being able to do all of the things we want to do with a clear head, full heart, and more energy…
While I can’t always just hop on a plane to Hawaii as in the photo above, balance for me means getting OUT of my comfort zone and familiar surroundings. Whether it’s taking a class to learn a new skill or freshen up skills, or exploring a new neighborhood or part of the Northwest, I have learned that I need to constantly push my comfort level in order to feel balanced in my life. I need to be challenged in order to have balance.
2. Natasa Djukanovic, CMO, .ME Registry – Domain.ME
When I have something going on at home that needs my attention and it could be a problem, I often hide behind work and that’s when my work-life balance goes off completely. But with age and experience I think I get a better understanding of what am I doing to myself, and I am getting better at finding time to dig out the problems and confront them. That time, when I do that, is a ME time. It is a physical time, when I both consolidate and relax. I am happy to say that I also acquired a skill to not care too much about certain things. That’s the best a ME time can give you. To know your priorities and to work on knowing yourself.
3. Andie Thueson, Health and Fitness blogger, Maybe I Will
For me taking time every morning to workout is exactly what I need to find my daily balance. Driving to and from the gym by myself gives me time to think and enjoy quiet solitude. Once I’m at the gym, my earbuds go in and I work out the frustrations and problems that have been weighing me down. This time by myself brings me peace and energy to face and conquer the day ahead. Sometimes I sleep in and miss them gym and my day becomes disconnected and I feel “off” … This seemingly small act that I do on a daily basis has made all the difference in my life!
4. Milutin Pavicevic, CEO, ME-net
As a certified, hard-core introvert, I prefer my “ME day” to be just that – a day just for myself. Locked away from the society (including friends and family), re-filling my batteries by enjoying the geekiest things you can imagine. Not getting enough “ME time” doesn’t prevent me from keeping track of the stuff I owe to myself. My backlog of “ME things” includes: playing the entire Grim Fandango in one session, studying hexagons, dedicating an entire weekend to Homeworld: remastered, a Ghostbusters marathon, a Blade runner – Prometheus – Alien’s marathon, Tim Burton’s Batman movies + Birdman marathon, reading “Metabarons” in one breath, and a couple of weekends dedicated to Tokyo Ghoul / Terra Formars (comment below on whether I should go with Manga or Anime).
I am pretty flexible with shifting “ME days” to a slot that fits everyone around me – with the exception of June 16th, the first day of E3 conferences (all 3 big conferences live-stream in a single long day in our time zone). You can erase me from any plans on that day, and if you’re not interested in hearing me geek out, don’t even bother talking to me.
The same way other people remember going to a massive sports event, seeing their favorite band live or going on a perfect vacation, I remember the week I separated myself from the world to play Skyrim, or a week where, in an absolute me-ception, I read Ayn Rand for 12 hours a day.
With no “ME days” there would be no “ME”. Taking time for myself kills my social anxiety, fills my head with bold new ideas, and supercharges me for creative endeavors.
5. Hillary Chybinski, Lifestyle Blogger and Social Media Strategist, My Scraps
If our bucket is empty, we run out of steam to give to work, to our families or to ourselves. We have to make time to be good to ourselves – be happy to be ME. By scheduling office hours, after the kids are in bed I can settle in with my husband or a good book until bedtime, that’s ME time – guilt free. I also try to get a walk or yoga session in during the day. Again, this is where a good schedule comes into play. Other ways you can refill your bucket to help you juggle the work/life balance are a dinner or lunch out with friends, mani/pedi appointment, or browsing your favorite store.
6. Luka Radunovic, Sales and Marketing Manager, ME-net
ME time wasn’t a topic that I’d been thinking about a lot in the past, and I think that focusing on it might really make a big improvement in the core quality of one’s life. That’s one of the reasons why I’ve been spending so much time lately on lying on the sofa and watching my favorite movies and TV shows! 🙂
7. Anne Parris, Parent Blogger, Not a Supermom
Last week I smooched my husband and kids goodbye and boarded a plane for a girls’ weekend in Vermont. It was glorious. Four of us in a beautiful house at a ski resort. There was a trip to the spa, a trip to the most amazing bookstore, shopping without children, and a restaurant meal that was not selected from a television ad. Best of all was the company. I think every woman should have girlfriends she can spend the weekend with. No makeup, in yoga pants and rainbow slippers, just laughing and talking.
8. Melissa Kaylene, Blogger
Sometimes taking a ME day isn’t necessarily an entire day or a huge planned event, sometimes it’s just making an effort to do something for you, whether that be taking a hot bath, spending half of an hour in a coffee shop solo sipping a latte, a 20 minute nap, a pedicure, or even a 30 minute workout in the gym – taking time to do all of those things will in return make you a better wife, better mother, better YOU. I make sure that I do these things on a weekly basis for ME.
9. Paula, Blogger, Growing Up Bilingual
I had spent so much time focusing on others that I had completely forgotten my own dreams and my own goals. As I looked at my blog and what I wrote about I realized that I was just writing about parenting, cooking meals for my family and tips for raising bilingual kids, all things that I love, but I was not writing about something that moved ME, that was just mine. I have always loved travel and I was always making excuses but I realized that I did not have to jump on a plane to Europe and spend thousands of dollars to travel; I could travel with my family getting to know my own city and state. I also realized that blogging could help me realize those travel dreams so I started my second blog 2 years ago, on 365 Things To Do In Southwest Florida my family and I explore our own back yard and since we started it we have had some pretty amazing and exciting adventures right here in Florida.
I love to travel and I have decided that it’s ok to travel alone sometimes. I travel for work so I try to stay an extra day to explore the place where I am and always try to go somewhere I have never been before. A few weeks ago I was in LA for conference and after the conference was done I visited Avalon, in Santa Catalina island. It was a truly magical day. I spent all day walking alone along the ocean, browsing the stores and watching seals play among the boats in the harbor. As the sun went down behind the mountains and the sky and water turned all shades of pinks and oranges I felt renewed, re-energized and happy, and most importantly I didn’t feel guilty about taking a day to myself!
10. This is what ME day is for me 🙂
I had trouble defining what my ME time is but after this Sunday, which was all about recharging for me, things are more clear. First part of my ideal ME day is devoted to spending quality time with my boyfriend – just relaxing, having fun, watching a couple of episodes of Bleach, going out for lunch or taking a walk if the weather is nice. We are both very busy people, with lots of interests, big dreams and ambitions, and we have to work on making time for us alone, and we cherish that time when we make it.
We also respect our individual needs and desires, which is why the other half of my ME day would be spent by him going to a pen-and-paper RPG game and me having the rest of the day, unscheduled, for myself. It is more about doing things my way and in my own pace than about doing specific things (besides reading, there will always going to be reading).
So this Sunday, I had a perfect day. I spent some time with my favorite person in the world, tied up loose ends from previous week, packed for my upcoming trip, finished reading an amazing novel, did some light work-out and went for a tea with my good friend. And today I am feeling happy, rested and optimistic! Go #MEday!
Look deep into yourself, admit to what would make your day perfect and make time to gift that something to yourself!
Schedule March 16th in your calendar as a day when you will make time to celebrate and share what makes you unique and indulge, nourish and develop your passions and skills. Encourage your friends and family to do the same, and don’t forget to share your ME Day experience with a #MEday hashtag on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!