5 Tips To Succeed As A Student Entrepreneur

Who is an entrepreneur? It is a person who sets up a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. Sounds challenging, huh? Well, because it is. And being a student entrepreneur is even more challenging. A student entrepreneur is innovating, developing, and producing an idea, a new product. And in addition to that, a student has to study hard and constantly develop his skills. So, definitely not easy, but still… pretty amazing, isn’t it?
Now here’s the thing. Regardless of your age, university, and previous experience – with good ideas and a clear goal, you can accomplish anything! But, you must be prepared to devote many long hours to your business, and know how big of a commitment it is.
Wait! Don’t get discouraged. When you are motivated, you can easily overcome all the obstacles that you come across! And here’s my contribution – 5 tips to help out every student entrepreneur on this journey to success.
Let’s hop right into it!
Create A Clear Plan

Good organization is the key. What every student entrepreneur must do first is make a clear plan. Primely, the idea. You need a product or service that the public didn’t even know they needed. Furthermore, it is supposed to be something that inspires you, motivates and challenges you! Ideally, something you truly believe in. Once you find that (and I guess you already have something on your mind), it is time to – write a business plan.
Business plan is a document that includes details of your business, and strategy for achieving your goals. It consists of a document divided into a few sections. Each section should cover an area. Some of them are – the main description of the organization, market research, competition analysis, financial data etc. As it will be evaluated by your potential investors, make sure to be as specific as possible. It is a very important and strategic tool for entrepreneurs.
Read more: Startuppers – Repeat After .ME: Yes, I Do Need a Business Plan
So far we have clarified that a student entrepreneur has to be a very organized and responsible person. But there is something even more important. An open mind. Even though you have a clear plan, don’t be rigid to new ideas. It is crucial to remain flexible. Listen, observe, learn, read.
Successful Student Entrepreneur Makes It All About The Customer

As I mentioned before, you are supposed to create a product or service people didn’t even know they need. In other words, to be a successful student entrepreneur, you need to carefully listen to people’s needs.
The thing is – without customers, there are no sales. And without sales, business cannot continue to exist. Therefore, meeting your customers’ needs leads to keeping your business growing successfully.
Knowing and understanding your customers’ needs is the centerpiece of every outstanding business. Besides always listening to your customers, you should also treat them with respect, remember them, and show that you care for them. (Bonus tip: always address them by name.)
After all, start with yourself! We all want to feel appreciated, don’t we? So, ensure customer satisfaction, and always try to do your best!
Successful Student Entrepreneur Always Seeks New Experiences

Now, the most important tip for every student entrepreneur. Actually, not just for entrepreneurship, but for success in general. It is constantly seeking new experiences, investing in yourself and taking risks.
In order to succeed in business, you need knowledge. You need to learn about finance, marketing, human resources etc. Nowadays there are multiple online courses, conferences, even people that could help you on that road. Numerous business coaches, advisors, so many people you can learn from a lot. The opportunities are endless. Yours is just to have the will.
Learn as much as possible about the business world. You can even try and get the work experience first. Become an intern at the company that is similar in some way with your future plans. Connect with people. Build acquaintances!
And one more tip. It is important to know your strengths and weaknesses. That way, you can always work to improve! Educate yourself more, upgrade your knowledge. Make a list of things you can work on. Carefully monitor success, constantly improve, listen, and progress! Learn something new every day. And, of course, enjoy the process.
Read more: Custom-made Business School: Best Online Courses For An Aspiring Entrepreneur
Successful Student Entrepreneur Needs A Good Team

When it comes to people a student entrepreneur works with, choose wisely. The people who surround you play a big role in your success. Keep the circle small, and be picky!
You must be wondering how to create a good team. Well, I may have a few tips for you. As your business grows, the first hire you should make should most definitely be a personal assistant. Someone who will be your right hand.
Later on, as the business grows even more, you will naturally need more people. Those should be your opposites. Makes sense, right? As I mentioned before, you should know your strengths and weaknesses. And when you know them, then you also know that it’s great to have someone who will compensate for your weaknesses. That way, you are creating a complete, great team! It allows you to learn from each other and build something extraordinary!
Simply, surround yourself with people who make both you and your business grow.
Persistence, And No Fear Of Failure

As I mentioned before, a good thing for every student entrepreneur would be to get a coach or a mentor. Someone who can share some experiences with you, and give you guidance. That can help you avoid some major mistakes.
But even if they happen, and don’t get me wrong – they will, from each failure, you get experience. You learn something new. And then you try again. So don’t be afraid of it, don’t let them stop you or slow you down. It is all a part of the process.
Something to keep in mind – if you give up too early, you will never learn from your mistakes, nor will you give yourself a chance to succeed.
Entrepreneurship comes with both very good, inspiring days, but also very challenging days. So, as a business owner, challenges, ups and downs are unavoidable.
After all, what’s the worst that can happen? You will most likely develop a passion and learn a lot! Doesn’t sound like a failure to me.
To Sum Up
I’d be lying if I said becoming a student entrepreneur wasn’t challenging. But, if you are heated about an idea, go for it! Starting a business so young gives you the opportunity and more time to find the right way to achieve success. And even if your plans change, your ambition and learned things will mean a lot to your future employer.
So no matter how you look at it, being a student entrepreneur opens many doors.
I truly hope these tips will help and motivate you. Good luck, and mention this article in some interview, a few years from now, when you become a successful entrepreneur!
Until next time!