Designing for Underserved Demographics: How to Build Products That Empower Specific Audiences

Designing for underserved demographics is, first of all, a business strategy.
But, it can be much more than that. It should be much more than that.
In short, it is your business’s ticket towards fostering inclusivity and empowering individuals. It is your ticket towards creating a better world. Perhaps it seems like a small step. But, it can surely lead to great results.
Stop Looking for Examples – Be the Example
Nobody is a passive observer of the world. We all create it. Sometimes by taking big steps. Sometimes by simply going about our days.
Everyone should be aware of the impact they make. Perhaps it is exactly such awareness that will motivate us to do something important, to create something meaningful. To stop thinking, and to start acting.
We all talk the talk. Let’s do better. Let’s start walking the walk.
Put differently, let us start building products that empower specific audiences.
After all, change begins at home. So, how about you be the example you were looking for?
Designing for Underserved Demographics: the Benefits

As a product designer, you have the power to send a message. And, designing for underserved demographics sends a clear one.
Everyone matters.
But, it is completely natural for you to wonder: “What’s in it for me?”.
So, let’s check out the benefits of embarking on this meaningful journey.
Leveraging Untapped Markets
It is our preconceived notions, our assumptions, the stereotypes we’re entrapped by, and our general lack of awareness that make us miss out on a lot.
True for every aspect of our lives. Including the products you’re designing.
In few words, it is that lack of awareness that leads to overlooking potential customers.
Well, time to do better. Time to leverage the untapped markets and access new customer bases.
Do your research to uncover the unmet needs and pain points. Then, create products tailored to the underserved demographics, such as kids or the elderly. Ensure those align with the realities of your target group. And finally, enjoy the success that comes with going where no man has gone before. Or where very few have.
Creating Social Impact
By designing for underserved demographics, you contribute to a more inclusive society. You reduce systemic barriers, you foster equity, and you promote accessibility.
For instance, a tablet designed with pre-installed apps, large icons and a user-friendly interface, can be perfect for seniors. Or, perhaps you can build a tech literacy app for children, using their own language to explain technology concepts. And to help them start honing their tech skills at a young age.
Whatever you go for, one thing is for sure. Empowering specific audiences creates a great social impact.
Designing for Underserved Demographics to Drive Innovation
What makes a product designer great is his or her ability to think outside the box. To innovate, instead of sticking to the same-old, traditional paradigms.
Targeting underserved demographics calls for that kind of creative thinking. It motivates you to come up with new solutions, it inspires you to create new technologies. In short, it drives innovation, giving you the opportunity to become a pioneer.
Building Brand Loyalty
Tailoring your products to specific groups, and underserved ones for that matter, tells an important story of your brand.
It signals your commitment to understanding the often overlooked audiences, and to meeting their needs. And, that makes your customers feel valued.
Valued customers will be more vocal advocates for your brand, helping you strengthen your brand identity. They will share their positive experiences, which will ultimately lead to organic growth. Most of all, the strong emotional connection you will have created through showing you care will build loyalty.
And, it is precisely brand loyalty that drives growth.
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Grab your unique .ME domain and begin today!
Designing for Underserved Demographics: a How to

Designing for underserved demographics requires thoughtfulness.
First off, you need to make sure you’re properly informed. Then, you have to adopt a user-centric approach. In short, you have to prioritize inclusivity, as well as empathy and innovation.
So, let’s have a look at some strategies to use and principles to keep in mind.
Prioritize Privacy When Designing for Underserved Demographics
Designing for underserved demographics comes with no shortage of privacy concerns.
For example, marginalized communities, individuals with disabilities, seniors and children can be quite vulnerable in terms of online security.
Thus, always prioritize privacy.
Use strong data protection, minimize data collection, and be transparent about how it will be used. Leverage robust security measures to prevent data breaches. And, further empower your users by making the security and control settings easy to use.
In addition to all of that, parental control may be a good idea for children’s products. For example, a learning app for kids that connects them to other learners is a good idea. But, a touch of parental control, allowing parents to monitor and manage their interactions, will further increase their security.
To really show you care, make privacy your priority when building your own website as well. Like I said, change starts at home.
Drive Engagement Through Gamification
Gamification makes products fun. But, it also makes them more accessible for underserved groups. Furthermore, it fosters a sense of achievement and belonging.
Using the same example, you could make that learning app for children more interactive. Leverage game-like elements to teach them new skills. Then, allow users to track progress, and introduce points, badges and rewards to motivate them.
Clearly, all of that will drive engagement, increasing the potential of your product to reach great successes.
Create Personalized Experiences
We all have unique needs. And, the same goes for underserved audiences.
Don’t make the mistake of lumping them all together into one and the same category. All the rules of market segmentation and individualization apply here as well.
So, personalize user experience to enhance satisfaction. Tailor the interfaces to their individual preferences. Design with context in mind, and create products that can adapt to users’ habits, times of day, as well as locations.
Use personalization to improve customer satisfaction and further establish yourself as a trustworthy brand.
Design With Accessibility in Mind
Underserved groups often face barriers when trying to use certain products. Designing for them means lowering those barriers.
HandTalk, for instance, is making it their mission to make the Web more accessible, promoting inclusion and equity.
So, play your part in creating a more just world.
For instance, simplify the interfaces with voice command, large fonts and intuitive navigation to cater to seniors. Then, engage children with vibrant visuals and age-appropriate language. On top of that, cater to disabled users with screen readers, customizable controls and closed captions.
Testing the field by working with people from your target demographics should help you ensure accessibility and usability.
Sending a Message Through Design

Designing for underserved demographics can be a challenge. But, it is a challenge worth embracing.
After all, it leads to great opportunities.
Tap into the untapped markets by tailoring your products to serve the overlooked audiences, and build brand loyalty.
Use gamification and personalization, prioritize privacy and design with accessibility in mind.
Most importantly, make a great social impact by sending a message through your design.
Everyone matters.
Challenge the status quo and provide everyone with access to meaningful solutions aimed at improving their lives. Inspire innovation. Inspire a more inclusive society.