How to Choose The Right Domain Name

Let us do a little experiment! We’ll assume that you are, let’s say, an illustrator. You’ve made quite a name of yourself on social media and have a considerable number of followers that enjoy your art. Lately, you even started thinking about growing your business further, perhaps publishing a collection of your illustration in a book or opening an online store, all connected to your brand. However, you’ve chosen the name for your social media accounts when you were just starting, and now not only it doesn’t fit you anymore, but it’s too late to change it.
Moral of our story?
Names should be carefully chosen. Especially when deciding on your brand name and domain name, etc. since they are one and the same. So how to choose a domain name that faithfully represents your brand? Just read along.
Your domain name is the foundation of your brand. After all, it’s the online address of your website and the very first impression someone has of you. That’s why it’s crucial to get it right.
Choose your domain name – the power of .ME
So now that we are clear on your brand and the importance of having a personal website, let’s brainstorm the domain name. Where to start?
Choosing a domain name is hard, we get it. But we are here to help! The first thing you have to decide is whether you want your personal website to carry your name or you want to use a special brand name.

If you are choosing a domain name for a personal website, we definitely recommend you to go with a NameSurname.ME combinations or variations of it. Why? Your brand will be growing over the years, your interests and focus will probably be changing as well, but the tie that keeps all of it together is you.
If, however, there is already a nickname people recognise you by, and you, not only feel attached to it, but also think it represents who you are as a professional, then that is your best choice!
The important thing is to create a personal domain name and a personal website sets you apart from everyone else doing the same thing as you, and from anyone who shares your name. Also, to make it professional. No more maria557florida!
Taking it a step further…
Why .ME domain?
Personal meaning, higher availability, same SEO juice as generic top-level domains.
Plus, no matter the path you choose, .ME is great for both personal and business purposes. It carries your name and you can use it as a hub for both your professional achievements and things that interest you personally.
Tips when choosing your domain name
Your domain name must be recognizable, memorable and SEO worthy. Now, our go-to advice is to merge your name and surname, but that might not always work for you – for whatever the reason. If you would rather have your domain name be similar or the same as your social media profile handle, or maybe you’ve come up with a unique brand name, make sure you adhere to our tips!

Pay attention to these:
Make sure you choose a domain name that is easy to type. If it is too complicated, or too long, potential visitors might misspell your domain name. So shorter is always the better option. And, to be honest, much easier to remember.
Refrain from using hyphens and numbers. They tend to be confusing and chances of your domain name being misspelt will increase. Besides, it is easier and faster to type a domain name without them.
It goes without saying that your domain name must be unique, memorable and have a meaning behind it. However, before you set yourself on a domain name, research it first. Check if there already isn’t already similar domain name in use, or if your preferred choice is already protected as a trademark. Trademark problems are appealing to no one. So, brainstorm first. Check second. Decide third.

Your domain name should always reflect what you do and who you are. In a word – it should be your brand. This also benefits you from the SEO perspective, as we mentioned it before.
Last words?
Let us do another experiment, and let’s say you are a freelance illustrator again. Right. Now, your prospective client or employer is googling you. The very first result they encounter is your personal website that portrays your work and says a little bit about you. The employer/client clicks on a carefully crafted domain name and is quite pleased with the first impression they get. As a result, you are chosen to cooperate on a new project.
Choose your domain name carefully. It is a part of your branding and paints a picture of who you are and what you do. Your personalised domain name and your personal website are the best first impression you’ll get. So, are you ready to? Type your domain name in the box below and start brainstorming!