Increasing Brand Awareness through Digital Channels

4 min read,

You’re probably expecting us to open this article with a generic bunch of stats and facts describing how “in this modern day and age more and more people are being exposed to digital media”, and how “marketing is more and more shifting toward digital channels”, but let’s try and make this long story short – everyone is online. This is exactly why building your brand today, in this increasingly digital culture, is virtually impossible without a proper online marketing plan. Being more visible to your target audience is key to increasing the awareness of your brand. There’s no way around it.

Remember, your brand doesn’t exist without your consumers. It is as simple as that. Nobody is going to buy anything from you if they have no idea you exist, and no matter how awesome your product is, it is rendered utterly useless and irrelevant if nobody is using it. This is exactly why increasing brand awareness is the key to any successful marketing strategy. Your final aim, after all, is to increase sales and conversions via long-term brand loyalty of your customers, and any long-term brand loyalty starts by creating that initial awareness and exposure through digital channels.

Getting Engaged

Having engaging content is what is driving digital media today, and the best way to organically increase your traffic is to have your users interacting with your posts on digital media platforms. This way you will be making a solid base for your digital marketing plan, and once you have the right content to be released through your digital channels, you might as well sit back watch the consumers do all the work.

Ok, not ALL the work, of course. But this is definitely a solid base for building your brand and engaging content is definitely the first step toward a successful campaign. Marketing teams of big companies know how to use the info, experience and results gained from posting and examining engaging content. Gleaning the results from digital media can be rather informative and more than useful in defining your target audience. If you want to build your brand, you simply need to know your average consumer.

Choosing your Battlefields Wisely

Another vital move is to be platform specific. When thinking about your target customers, you will want to know which social media platforms they use, so you can focus on those that will give you the highest traffic and attention. The trick is to choose only those social marketing arenas that will get your content exposed to the right users. Utilizing as many digital channels as possible can be counter-productive as it is pretty time-consuming and you might end up going nowhere fast. Instead, try focusing on getting your awesome content only to the right platforms. In order to strike oil you need to know where to dig, right?

SEO and the coveted High Visibility in Search

You already have great and engaging content and you know which social media platforms are being used by your target audience, now you need to do your best to boost your traffic. Search engine optimization is the key to gaining visibility. No matter what type of content you have on your page – videos, photos, articles, infographics – you should consider improving your online visibility by making sure your SEO is done right. Higher visibility within search engines is the main stepping stone when it comes to ensuring your brand gets more visibility online.

When talking about SEO, it is good to know the difference between the two main sources of search visibility boosters you can pursue – organic search or paid search – and both of these options can provide you with the higher SEO rankings. While many entrepreneurs opt for paid search that deals mainly with display ads and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) deals, we think that that improving visibility within organic search via link building is the way to go. A great SEO campaign isn’t a quick-fix approach, and it doesn’t mean that your website will be ranking at the top of Google straight away, but it will certainly result in long-term gains.

Summing Up

So, in order to successfully establish your brand online sand increase the awareness of it through digital channels, you will need to take care of these 3 main steps first:

  • Coming up with a relevant and engaging content
  • Figuring out which digital channels to focus on specifically
  • Sealing the deal with a great SEO campaign
  • (Optional: go out with your friends and grab some drinks. You deserved it.)

Content Writer, Freelancer