Jobbot.ME Will Help You Apply For Your New Dream Job Through Messenger

5 min read,

Of all the wonders of modern life, there always seems to be one thing most of us don’t really like doing, while also being one of the most important ones: job search. On average, every corporate job opening attracts around 250 resumes, so how can you make this process easier on yourself and give yourself an edge over others? It’s simple – use a bot.

Jobbot.ME, to be precise.

We’ve written a lot about bots for Messenger and the way they help us do all sorts of cool things, but now we need to add the ability to help you get hired to the list, which only means that bots can now make your life even easier just by chatting with them on Messenger.

Source: Jobbot Facebook

A Little Ingenuity Goes A Long Way

Today it’s simply not enough to send out resumes to different companies and addresses and expect an invite to a job interview right away. It’s true that this method still works, but studies have shown that recruiters spend around 6 seconds on average reading your resume, so that means that an overwhelmingly large number of resumes will simply be skimmed over and dismissed.

This is probably why a lot of us have turned to some other forms of applications that are more unique, memorable and have greater chances of landing you that dream job of yours. There have been great cases of creative individuals “hacking” the job seeking process, with this one being quite smart indeed. A young developer from France simply used algorithms to find the companies that seek people like him and then developed a semi-personalized email to connect with them.

The results? More than half of companies answered him.

This is a little bit more work, but the ROI of this method (and other, similar) methods, is a lot greater than the “old-school” method we have all grown accustomed to. In the words of LinkedIn’s CEO Lou Adler,

Less than one percent of the people who applied for jobs actually got hired.

A Resume That Enjoys Talking To You

So the big number of offers from our example goes to show that a little ingenuity goes a long way when searching for a job. There are more advanced examples of people creating their own bots to get hired, such as EstherBot, which is basically a bot that serves as a resume for Esther Crawford, a product marketer from San Francisco.

She tried to teach the bot to showcase her interests, discuss her own personal values and explain a little bit about her life in a relaxed fashion.

Source: Adespresso

All of these things can’t really be put on your LinkedIn profile, but often give you an edge over the other “paper-only” applicants. EstherBot has exchanged over 20,000 messages with all sorts of people and chatted with people from every industry, including Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. That’s really something that would take a lot of time to do on your own.

It’s clear from these examples that having a bot do the majority of work when it comes to hiring you should be amazing, and our advice here is to go the extra mile and follow Esther’s example by building your own bot, but also to start using Jobbot.ME right this second if you’re looking for a job.

Why Should You Bother With Applications When A Bot Can Do It?

Jobbot.ME is a simple bot that will really help you get hired much quicker than phone calls and emails. It works both on Messenger and Telegram and is so simple it’s really hard not to get the idea behind the bot in the first few minutes.

Jobbot.ME works for you in three simple steps:

  1.    You add Jobo on Messenger or Telegram – this is pretty straightforward as you need to talk to the bot if you want any help from him, right?
  1.    You set up your career profile so that the bot knows what you do and where your strengths lie.
  1.    You search for jobs using keywords such as driver, teacher, developer, astronaut and similar so that the bot knows what you want him to look up
  1.    And finally, you apply for jobs either directly or through Messenger. You can jump straight to the site and apply the “regular” way, or you can ask the bot to apply you for the job right then and there.
He could probably land you a gig or two..

The interesting thing is that when you look for jobs the bot actually offers you hundreds of listings, and you can really easily apply to as much of them as you want, with the bot doing most of the “boring” work. You are just chatting and swiping and tapping, and increasing your chances of getting hired while doing so.

The bot isn’t just limited to applying for jobs in your name, but he can also notify you when there’s a new opening for a position you want. This way you’ll stay on top of things while also being relaxed because you know that you’ll be the first to find out when a position opens.

All you have to do then is apply, and you’re good to go. Of course, there’s a lot more ways that can help you get hired, like building a personal website on the .ME domain or an about.ME profile, and while both of those things don’t take up a lot of time they can really turn the tide when it comes to your future, and we all know that’s really something you should invest a little bit of time in.

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