Meet Rose Lin: A Data Scientist That Knows Her Way Around Numbers

Let us tell you something about the world of Rose Lin.
Regardless of the industry, you are in, you have to rely on facts, statistics, and numbers to make decisions, monitor your performance, assess the success of your business strategy, and achieve the desired results. In fact, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that the way you handle data can literally make or break your business. No matter if it’s a large enterprise or a one-person show.
So, you might not be a data-whizz yourself. But you’ll need someone who can help you interpret and put to use all the information essential for the survival and growth of your business.
That’s where a data scientists like Rose Lin come in.
About Rose Lin

If you ask us, besides being a member of our awesoME ME team, Rose Lin is on her way to conquer the world of computer science and business analytics.
But wait a minute – what is it that a data scientist actually does?
A data scientist is a person responsible for gathering, analyzing, and managing complex digital data. This data offers actionable insights and helps a business make an informed, data-driven decision, as well as solve various business challenges along the way. A data scientist possesses certain software engineering skills and knows how to use advanced analytics methods, algorithms, tools, and technologies, such as predictive modelling and machine learning, to mine big data. Such practice enables them to develop theories and hypotheses, draw conclusions, identify the latest market trends, predict customer behavior, and, ultimately, drive new revenue opportunities and increase sales.
Dope, right?
A true data scientist needs to be curious, creative, intuitive, analytical, sceptical, methodical, communicative, strategically-oriented, with a knack for solving complex problems and finding answers to questions not yet asked. Rose Lin is all of that and even more.
She knows her way around data analytics, data mining, SQL, Python, C#, Jira, Git, Fiddler, HTML, CMS, CSS, and PHP. Moreover, her interests lie in applied business analytics, machine learning, and information retrieval.
About Rose Lin’s career

Bachelor’s degree in Systems Engineering enabled Rose Lin to start her career as a business systems analyst. Besides being in charge of front-end development, her main responsibility was to monitor clients, resolve salesforce and CRM cases, process data, and prepare accurate and detailed reports and test plans.
In 2017, Rose became a research assistant at Rockwell Automation Laboratory. There she successfully developed a web-based virtual teaching pendant system for the LabVolt 5150 robot. Next year, she as a data science intern, she worked on the Aerial Roof Inspection (ARI) project. during the internship, she had the opportunity to work with deep learning algorithms and data preprocessing tools.
Rose was also part of the HCSS safety team. She worked on converting a legacy database framework into an entity framework and implementing various features, including PDF improvement and sentiment analysis.
As a computer science major, Rose Lin now works at State Farm. As a data scientist, she is responsible for analyzing and modelling data in order to come up with solutions to different problems in the claims space.
When asked whether she’d changed anything about her career path so far, she said: “I would be braver to explore more new stuff. I didn’t think of being a data scientist until I did my senior capstone project while in college. I felt that I was settled in my own comfort zone, so my view was narrow. Had I had the chance to embrace uncertainty and try new things, I might have discovered my interests earlier and/or be on a completely different path. Changes are not only challenges but also opportunities. I’m happy to be where I am today but wish that I could have explored more when I was younger.”
About Rose Lin’s online presence

Rose Lin is a young professional who understands all the benefits of a carefully designed personal website. She uses her site,, to drive new business opportunities and showcase herself and her work.
She says: “I feel that having a personal portfolio definitely helps, no matter what role one’s in. It provides a structured way to demonstrate your skillset, your identity, and your interests. I just find it worthwhile to show myself to the world. I think that’s the propelling reason for me to create my own site.”
Being the real you and revealing your identity to the world makes you one of a kind. Besides, everything unique is bound to stand out. No wonder Rose decided to capitalize on her authenticity even more by choosing a highly-personal .ME domain to be her online home.
Did you know that Rose has her own blog, There, she shares her experience, knowledge, and expertise with fellow developers and data analysts worldwide. This helps her further boost her online presence, build authority and establish influence.
According to Rose, if you wish your personal website to really hit the spot, you need to “find the main theme, and stick to it. Other than data scientist, I have multiple roles: a wife, a writer, a daughter, two cats, etc. I understand the urge of showing different aspects of one person on a site; however, this site is meant to be my professional portfolio, so I’ll show the techy nerdy side of me here. Once the theme is set, pick some highly relevant stories to back it up. A random visitor would easily get lost on my site if I put too much information out there. Especially since we live in a world with information overload already.”
And we couldn’t agree more!
Parting words
Being a data scientist sure seems like a challenging yet highly-rewarding job. Especially considering various personal traits. Not to mention professional roles a person takes on in order to be a true master of the trade.
We are no experts here, but it seems to us that Rose fits the profile perfectly. There’s a bright future waiting for her just around the corner.
Kudos, Rose, and keep up the great work!