Online Networking for Modern Professionals: An Added Value to your CV

4 min read,

While some bosses see social networking as a rather time-consuming and even counter-productive activity, most modern executives understand the value this can create for their employees. Of course, trying to maintain active social profiles at the workplace may definitely hurt your overall job performance, but networking can be extremely helpful for candidates who are looking for new career opportunities.

A bulk of professional activities is now happening online, letting anyone follow and engage in conversations relevant to their work. After all, the very focus of modern headhunters and recruiters shifts to social and business platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter (to name a few) mainly because the candidate’s activity here can paint a clear picture about his or her interests and communication abilities.

Joining professional hubs increases your visibility

Social networks can not only provide candidate information but also represent the space where the majority of modern professional business conversations are happening as we speak. By joining some of the relevant hubs such as specific LinkedIn Groups or Twitter chats, you demonstrate the willingness to actively explore their respective industries. This enables more HR managers to find you and see you as an adequate candidate, which is exactly why social networking can be vital for you.

No matter if you are a job-seeker or a job-giver, online networking boosts your opportunities to connect with the right people at the right time.

Take a look at the example of a Twitter chat under #SMBtalk:

Online info Humanizes the candidates

A full-fledged personal website can beat traditional resume in a heartbeat these days because it humanizes your work. This is backed up by our new survey of HR professionals, which reveals that such a resource can tell a lot about you to potential head hunters and is highly valued among them. The numbers show that job seekers who have an interesting and active social network page or a personal website in addition to their traditional CV, are more likely to get the job in today’s competitive job market.

The number of job seekers grows rapidly almost on a daily basis, and since the differences between the candidates are sometimes rather minute and hard to spot, the businesses need to keep up with the modern ways of both social and professional profiling. One clever and witty post can make all the difference. Coupled with a unique .ME domain, your personal blog or portfolio can help be the key to building your personal brand and winning more attractive job offers.

The power of LinkedIn revisited

LinkedIn is a social platform built for the purposes of intuitively connecting job-givers and job-seekers. According to the survey conducted by, 79% of recruiters make hires through LinkedIn, 26% via Facebook, 14% via Twitter… But how do businesses seek out the qualified candidates? Easy. Some companies use the free “Advanced People Search” function which is available to all LinkedIn members while others filter potential employees through specific LinkedIn Groups.

There is also something called “LinkedIn Recruiter”, the platform’s paid service that provides significantly more search options and functionality. There are also other useful LinkedIn functions. For example, job seekers can sign up for “job alerts” via which they will get an email whenever a new job gets posted and they meet a certain set of criteria for that position. Recruiters, on the other hand, are also able to sign up for this feature in order to get notifications every time a new candidate who fits their requirements is available.

Don’t have a LinkedIn profile yet? Make sure you create one soon and enter the future, no, the present of headhunting.Even better, build your personal website to create an even more remarkable professional self.

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Content Writer, Freelancer