– Remote Job Board For IT Professionals

6 min read,

Remote work has been on the rise in the past decade and the global COVID-19 pandemic has speeded up this transition even more. In September 2020, Enterprise Technology Research surveyed around 1,200 chief information officers (CIOs) coming from different industries and companies around the world. Their estimate is that the percentage of permanent remote workers will rise from 16.4% to 34.4% in 2021 as a result of positive productivity trends. This means that there will be more companies looking for remote hires. What’s more, there couldn’t be a better time for a website like It is a remote job board where employers can post vacancies and people looking for opportunities can find them.

It’s easy, straightforward, and has all the essential information you might need for the initial job opportunity assessment.

Want to know how it all works? Read on!

it job categories

Job categories

As this is a remote job board, the majority of the vacancies are related to the IT industry. Jobs are split into the following categories: Development, Design, Marketing, DevOps, Support, and WordPress

However, there is the last category named Others where you can find a lot of jobs that simply did not fit into any of the categories. Maybe the person posting the job didn’t see the category or just couldn’t be bothered to choose one. 🙂 Whatever the reason is, make sure you check out the Others category because you never know what you’ll find.

post an it job

Post a job

The website creator made it really easy to post a job. All you have to do is click on the Post a Job button, enter all the details like job title, type, description, company title, details, and a link for the applicants to apply for this position. Once you finish that, you pay $99 per job post and there are different payment methods available. It gets approved usually within an hour but it can take up to 24 hours.

When it goes live, the posts can be edited at any time and it stays active for 30-45 days unless you extend it. Also, if you find the right candidate for the job, you can remove the job post through the manage link you receive when you create one.

You can also contact Akshit Sethi, the person who created, and see if you can work out a discount. He knows how much everyone loves discounts and that’s why he’s always open to talk.

Nice and smooth.

find a job offer

Find a job offer

There are a couple of ways you can browse through the job posts. The first one is obviously by scrolling down and going through the categories. This is not a bad idea if you have a bit more time as, generally speaking, job titles don’t tell you everything about the post. 

However, if you know what kind of job or company you’re looking for, you can use the super-fast search option you can find in the upper right corner. You just enter a keyword and get a list of remote job posts containing it.

The job posting has all the basic information about the vacancy like the job description, responsibilities, company details, and more. The amount of information available differs from job post to job post.

What you can also do is subscribe to and get daily updates about the latest job vacancies. You get an email with freshly brewed remote jobs for you to consider. This is a great option if you don’t have the time or simply forget to visit the website now and then.

One thing that we’ve noticed is that when you click on the Apply Now button, you either get redirected to or where you continue with the job application. Another great feature here is that you can easily share the job posting with your friends and community on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter. You never know who’s on the lookout for new opportunities.

remote jobs website and brand name

Website and brand name

As we said, it’s a perfect time to build up a website that serves as a remote job board. Akshit Sethi did a great job with the website. It is fast, responsive, and intuitive. The website outline is straightforward and users can find their way around easily. Moreover, the job post creation process is fast and simple and it’s really all you need to start building a talent pool.

One other thing that we simply have to mention is the Switch Mode option you can find in the upper right corner. You click on the Moon icon right next to the search magnifying glass icon and you shift the website to light or dark mode. Fun! 🙂

Remote job posts have all the basic details like job title, type, description, company title, details, and a link for the applicants to apply for this position.

Now, if we look at the brand name Remotify, it’s a result of a clever way creating a brand name by building a verb from the adjective remote. In combination with the .ME domain extension, it creates an easy-to-remember domain name which is at the same time a highly effective CTA. It speaks to YOU the person looking for Remote job opportunities or YOU the company who wants to remotify their open job position. 

You can get in touch with Akshit Sethi easily by sending an email available in the Contact section, or join their impressive 34k-follower community on Twitter and keep track of the latest job posts.

it jobs remote work

Final remarks is a great example of the increasing shift towards remote work. It’s a great way for people to post and find job opportunities, especially at these challenging times. Candidates and companies across the globe can now easily find each other and work together with all the benefits of flexible and remote working. 

We support this initiative and are very glad that is a part of the .ME community. And to all the people searching for a job or a new team member, good luck! Hope you’ll find what you’re looking for in no time!

Marketing Manager, FourDots