WpMail.me: This Is What All Newsletters Should Look Like

3 min read,

You think newsletters are worthless? Ask Guy Kawasaki about them – he “built” up a cult following around Apple using nothing more but newsletters and mailing lists.

Of course, if you want to have a successful newsletter, you’ll have to give some quality content to your public. One great example of how quality content can bring you some loyal readers is WPmail.me.

Keep Up the Rhythm

WPmail.me is a free, weekly roundup of WordPress news from all over the web. It was founded by Cristian Dumitru Antohe and it’s not affiliated with WordPress. WPmail.me gets all the news regarding WordPress itself, news on popular themes as well as releases of new themes. WordPress plugins and tutorials are also included.

The success behind the WPmail.me newsletter lies in the frequency and the content of it. Many of you will send the first newsletter on some topic, the second one will be on schedule, the third will be a few days late and the fourth… No newsletter?

Content is the King!

It takes some serious engagement to keep up with your newsletter schedule; you need to get some content for it, give it a great design, tell a story with it – your readers want the best quality content in their inboxes, right? Yes, newsletters are hard, but it can be done.

Be Ready For Your Opportunity

Cristian Antohe, a young entrepreneur from Romania is a guy deeply in love with WordPress, you should follow Cristian on Twitter. He, as the founder and curator of WPmail.me newsletter recently published a report on the growth of his newsletter project.

It all started six months ago and today it counts more than 25 issues of the newsletter and what’s even more impressive – in six months the subscriber database grew up to 3,500 readers! Going trough the graphs in the report you can clearly see how engaging those readers are.

If you get featured on "big" sites, you need to be ready

Somewhere around the 8th issue, the newsletter was featured at Smashing Magazine which got it around 1,000 new readers! After that, the subscriber number just kept on growing.

Readers Read

While the industry’s average newsletter opening rate is around 16%, WPmail.me holds an astonishing 60% of newsletter opening rate! The clicks are impressive as well; 30% compared to the industry’s 3%. Most readers are from USA, but WPmail.me has readers in the whole world: North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia.

WPmail.me has readers from all over the world

Congratulations to Cristian for his newsletter! May WPmail.me be a lesson to you all on how to do a successful newsletter and get a strong reader base. I would also strongly suggest you to download WPmail.me’s free report and analyze it – it may help you to boost your own newsletter!

What newsletter are you subscribed to?