10 Domain Name Generators for a Great Domain Name

Choosing your domain name is not an easy task. In fact, it can be one of the most challenging steps in building your online brand. You need to consider several factors before choosing the right domain name because while changing a domain name is possible (and sometimes even necessary) it comes with a couple of difficulties. You need to find the right name – something memorable, catchy and meaningful. Something that will in just a few letters describe what your brand is all about. If only we had domain name generators to help out, right?
Now, finding that meaningful domain name, and at the same time keeping it short can be a challenge when it comes to older TLDs. Domain names are either taken, very expensive or just too corporate-sounding. But no worries, .ME domain name is here to save the day! As a relatively new domain name (twelve successful years and counting!) the probability of your desired domain name being available is pretty high. It also comes with all Internet protection and SEO benefits that older TLDs have.
But the greatest value of .ME domains for you comes from the inherent meaning of .ME domain extension. The word “ME” carries meaning in many languages, which has proved to be an advantage for many companies that use .ME as a part of their brand. Take for example about.me, branded.me or emotion.me, whose domain names sound exactly the same as the name of their company. Who would forget that?
So let’s get started! To help you with brainstorming, you can use one of many domain name generators available. While some of them have additional features, I selected 10 that have a simple option of offering you available domain name suggestions based on the keywords you enter.

Domainr has a very user-friendly interface that allows you to quickly search for domain name extensions that fit with the keyword you have entered. The good thing is that if you, for example, enter “wholesome” it will automatically offer you the option of wholeso.me, which is part of our Premium Domain Program! Greenlight indicates the availability of the domain.
Domainr anonymously logs searches and tracks over 1,726 top-level domains and over 895 pending generic TLDs, registrable at one of 222 accredited registrars. There are two external APIs for web services and client-side implementations.

NameStall offers a whole range of tools. Its domain name generator allows you to enter your keyword and select one of the 180-word groups to pair your keywords with, such as Common Smart Misspells or 1500 Popular Last Words.
If you need inspiration, they also have a Domain Name Suggestion tool that generates a list of two-word domain names that include your keyword. If you wish, you can even list all 5-letter words beginning with E from a dictionary of your choice with their Dictionary Word Domain Search tool. Tools and many and possibilities are endless.
Instant Domain Search

Instant Domain Search automatically generates available domain names, finds aftermarket (taken) domains for sale, and checks domain availability for popular domain extensions instantly. Just type in a keyword and let them help you choose a domain name. Their domain name generator adds thousands of popular beginnings and endings to your search. Find website names for your new business, portfolio or online store. Not to mention, they’ll share some advice on choosing a good domain name, just like we did here.

NameMesh uses intelligent ranking and classification program to help you find a perfect domain name. It has a variety of interesting features: After you enter your keyword(s), it will display most popular domain names under “Common”, give you suggestions on possible domain name hacks under “Short” and offer you similar sounding domain names under “Similar”. They also have a “Fun” category, which will break, joins, replaces and rearranges words together to create new words, “SEO” category, which gives suggestions on domain names that will have the best visibility, and “Mix” that will merge your keyword with common and small suffixes and some dictionary words.
Another great feature is “Startup Company Name Generator” that allows you to enter two to three keywords (or even more if you want), and gives you suggestions based on them.

NameStation allows you to combine keyword lists, add suffixes, generate phonetic names, alliterative names until you find what you desire. You can also refine your search criteria and lookup keyword definitions and semantically related terms.
But its most prominent feature is to hold crowdsourced naming contests and its 20 000 community to get name suggestions.
Although mostly known for its web hosting services, HostPapa will help you choose a domain name. For those who already have a domain name, this service will help you transfer your domain name. Now, HostPapa does not have a domain name generator per se, but if you type a keyword in their domain name search tab, it will give you a ton of alternatives along with whether that domain name is available. You can choose the domain name extension, and we personally recommend .ME, but that’s just our slightly biased preference.

Panabee is a simple, user-friendly way to discover your new awesome domain name. Out of all the domain name generators, this one is quite easy to use. All you have to do is enter keywords that describe your idea. Oh and, Panabee will save you a trip to the thesaurus to see words related to your idea. Instead, the tool will help you explore connected concepts that can generate fresh thoughts or steer brainstorming down a productive path. Cool right?
Let’s say your perfect name is taken. Not to worry! Panabee will present suggestions inspired by your original idea. These are derived from phonemes, syllables, abbreviations, suffixes, prefixes, and popular domain trends. As they say at Panabee “You may love these alternatives … or likely not. But you’ll definitely love our sexy dance moves. Panabee’s bringing sexy back.”
Domain Puzzler

Domain Puzzler has three search modes to choose from. If you just want to check if your domain name is available, use “Easy” mode. If you want to combine words use “Advanced” mode and if you want for Domain Puzzler to combine your world with popular words, use “Magic”. This domain name is great if you already know which domain extension you want because it will display just those you select.
In the end, you have our own “WHOIS” window that allows you to check if your domain name is available. If it is, it will lead you to our registration page where you can select a registrar with whom you wish to register your domain name. If your domain name is not available, you will be presented with balloons carrying possible suggestions.
There are many domain name generators to chose from, whichever you decide on, I suggest you brainstorm on the top 5 keywords that describe your business and to play around with prefixes, suffixes and .ME domain name extension until you find something that resonates with the image of your blog or business.