Inspire, Create, Captivate: A Designer’s Guide to the New Year on .ME

Think you can start 2024 off without a designer’s guide to the New Year? Think again.
What goes around comes around. And, I don’t mean that the way Justin Timberlake did. I’m operating on a tremendously more positive note.
If commitment goes around, great results come around.
And that’s what a good designer’s guide will teach you. What to input for a positive output. How to grab 2024 by the horns and make it your best year so far on .ME.
Designer’s Guide to the New Year: Inspire and Get Inspired

Inspiration is a two-way street. It is the input towards your positive output. But, it is simultaneously the output – an impact you have on others.
You get inspired – you do – you inspire. And, if you’re smart, you repeat infinitely.
Learn From the Best
Sitting alone in a dark room and waiting for amazing ideas to pop into mind simply won’t do it. Inspiration comes from exposing yourself to the greatness of others.
Try reading .ME success stories to get inspired. Watching fellow designers accomplishing their goals will give you the motivation you need. Confidence boosters, the stories of others will prompt you to create your own.
Be the Best That Someone Learns From
A two-way street, remember? Filling your inspiration cup through the stories of others is one part of the deal. You have to play the other part too.
Why not be the one who inspires? Why not fill someone else’s cup?
Let your creations loose online. Create a video to show your thought process. Share a relatable story on your blog and reveal some of your design secrets.
Sure, always learn from the best. But also, be the best that someone else will learn from.
Create, Create & Create Some More

Time to draw from the inspiration you’ve found.
It is your creations that will make you proud. Spend time making them, improving them and showing them off.
Trends Are Your Friends
What to create, which style to use? Try something new or stick to the same-old, sure thing? The age old questions. With pretty clear answers.
Explore the latest trends in the design world. Pick out the ones you like and start, well… trending.
Don’t forget the same-old, sure things, but add a new flair to your creations. Make them pop!
Designer’s Guide to the New Year: New Skills for a Powerful Start
Designers have the privilege to never stop learning.
Expanding your skill set is both a pleasure and a necessity in today’s talent-driven world.
Broaden your horizons, step outside of the design realm and learn something new. Master a brand new tool, pick up some coding tricks, get a better sense of digital marketing.
Grow your knowledge for a powerful start of the year.
Flaunt Your Creations
Take a long look at the things you’ve created. Admire them and cherish them. Then, put them away in the box of forgotten things and never think of them again.
Okay, okay, you’ve guessed it. That’s the wrong piece of advice.
Creations are there to be flaunted. Social media, a .ME website, or any other platforms you have in mind… Use them all to show the world what you got.
This is the year to focus on building and enrichening your portfolio.
A Designer’s Guide to the New Year and to Captivating the Audience

Inspire, create… and what’s left? Captivate! That’s where a great designer’s guide to the New Year will take you.
Sure, you love your creations. But, you want other people to love them as well. You want the audience to be enthralled by what you have to offer.
It takes some skills to captivate the audience. It takes a bit more than creating amazing designs.
Let’s see what you can do.
Let the Website Speak for Itself
Without a website, you are invisible. The audience has no way of discovering you and you have no way of captivating them.
You’re not on .ME for nothing, though! You’re there to create the perfect website and let it speak for itself.
Investing in marketing techniques to stand out is a must. But, in the end, it is the quality of your work that will make people remember you. And stay for more.
Keep working on that website. Make it easy to navigate, make it user friendly. Share your work.
Start a blog and share your thoughts. Share your aspirations, and share your failures. Failures make you human. And humans resonate with humans.
Make Your Social Media Work for You
Social media is an indispensable tool for designers. It’s where the audience can discover you and get to know you. It is also often the first stop on their way towards your amazing website.
Make it work for you. Be a bit more diligent and consistent on social media this year. Share relevant content regularly.
Use social media to grow the audience and sweep them off their feet with your captivating designs.
Create Your Own Designer’s Guide to the New Year
The year is still young and you are still motivated. Why not use the start-of-the-year drive to step up your game of captivating people?
Create your own designer’s guide to the New Year and share it. Aspiring designers will value your knowledge and experience. They will value your input on how to make 2024 their best year.
You can even use the guide as a lead magnet to grow your audience base.
Just do it right. People will tell quality from a poor attempt to increase your reach.
Making It Full Circle

Inspire, create, captivate… With a great designer’s guide to the New Year, you’ll make it full circle.
Learn from the best and become the best that others will learn from.
Master new skills. Follow 2024 design trends. Flaunt your amazing creations on your website and your social media.
And remember, what goes around, comes around. You have to add the input to get the output.
Call the year a fresh start. Build on the skills you already have. Call your designs the greatest so far.
Call it all anything you want. Just be the best you can be in 2024 on .ME. Repeat infinitely.